Monday, February 2, 2009

Seven steps to overcoming procrastination

* Procrastination is a big business killer
* Avoiding the job often takes up more time
* Grow your own: more Business owner

IF YOU'RE constantly leaving work to pile up on your desk, there's a very good chance you might just be on the avoidance treadmill.
Procrastination shouldn't be a long term strategy, but sometimes we all treat it as though it is.
It happens to the best of us. And we rationalise our action, or lack of action in this case, in so many ways.
The harsh reality is that procrastination is just a nice way of saying avoidance. Why do we avoid things? Simple - because we don’t enjoy them, or because they take us out of our comfort zone.
So instead of succumbing to the dreaded beast – try these tips for overcoming procrastination:
1. Be honest about why you are avoiding the activity.
Is it fear, is it that you don’t get on with someone, is it because you have to deliver bad news and you’re not sure how to go about it?
2. Commit to doing it at a certain time.
I usually do the things I'd prefer to avoid in the morning, so they are out of the way.
3. Prepare!
If you need to write yourself a script, do it. If you need to have absolute quiet, switch off the phones for a couple of hours. Whatever it takes – set yourself up for success.
4. Just do it!
5. Reward yourself when you are finished.
But only when you are finished. Go out for coffee afterwards, or just take a break.
6. Appreciate the feeling.
See how good it feels to get something done that would normally sit in your in-tray for ages.
7. Consider whether you should actually be doing this job.
There are some things that we just aren’t suited to, or that we don’t have the expertise for. If the things you avoid fall into this category, consider outsourcing them to an expert.

House prices keep falling

HOUSE prices on average fell again in the final three months of 2008, a third straight quarterly decline, new data shows.
Despite cheaper mortgages and greater incentives for first home buyers, prices of established homes on average fell 3.3 per cent in 2008.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics house price index released today shows average house prices in Australia's capital cities fell by a further 0.8 per cent in the December quarter. Economists had expected a 1.0 per cent decline.
The worst hit cities during the quarter were Melbourne (down 1.7 per cent), Brisbane (down 1.2 per cent) and Perth (down 0.9 per cent.)
Over the year, Perth prices fell 6.7 per cent, while Sydney and Canberra prices were both off 4.1 per cent.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is widely expected to cut its cash rate again by at least 75 basis points when its board meets for the first time this year tomorrow.
The central bank slashed the rate by 300 basis points between September and December last year in attempts to stave off a recession.
The Federal Government also doubled the first home owners grant to $14,000 for the purchase of existing houses as part of last year's $10.4 billion economic stimulus package, and to $21,000 for newly built homes.

'Recession not inevitable', says Turnbull

RECESSION is not inevitable despite the Federal Budget heading for deficit, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull said today.His comments came after Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan earlier admitted the Budget would go into deficit, collapsing by $115 billion amid a growing global recession.
"I wouldn't say it (recession) is inevitable at all," Mr Turnbull said.
He called on the Government to make each part of its reaction to collapsing financial markets "effective" before repeating earlier criticism about the stimulus package delivered late last year.
Mr Turnbull also upped his direct attack on Mr Rudd, labelling him a "born-again socialist" who did not understand the financial crash.
"Over the holidays a lot of people read fiction," the Liberal leader said.
"It sounds like Mr Rudd spent his holidays writing fiction," Mr Turnbull said, referring to a lengthy essay written by the Prime Minister.
In the essay, Mr Rudd promises greater Government intervention and regulation in the market.
"His remarks about regulation are truly bizarre. From what I've read of his essay it sounds like a feat of imagination," Mr Turnbull said.
"There should always be more good regulation and less bad regulation.
"The critical thing is getting regulation right."
Mr Turnbull reiterated a long list of Coalition plans to attack the economy including wide-ranging tax cuts.